By: Dr Rosie Alcorn BVSc PG Cert VPS Cert AVP MRCVS
As March arrives, foaling season begins for many sport horse mares, and for the Thoroughbred (TB) industry, foaling is already well underway. With this in mind, we’ve compiled some essential tips to ensure the foaling season goes smoothly for both mares and foals.
It’s easy to forget when mares were covered, so be sure to mark the breeding date in your calendar. The average pregnancy length for mares is 342 days, but they can foal earlier or later than expected. It’s not uncommon for mares to foal several weeks past their anticipated date.
If your mare is going to a stud to foal, it’s ideal to settle her there around six weeks before her due date. This gives her time to acclimatise to the new environment and for her immune system to respond to local pathogens.
During the final third of pregnancy, the foal undergoes most of its growth, so it’s essential to increase the mare's calorie intake. Monitor her body condition regularly and adjust her diet to ensure she remains at a healthy weight. A high-quality protein source is vital for foal development and milk production.
Aim to adjust her diet gradually before foaling to avoid sudden changes post-foaling, as rapid diet shifts can disrupt the mare’s digestive system.
Forage should be the primary component of her diet during this period. If your mare has poor dentition, consider providing supplemental fibre through high-fibre mashes. High-quality stud feed should form the bulk of any supplementary feeding, while good-doers may only require a balancer.
Mares requiring extra nutrition should receive a complete stud feed, fed at the correct rate. Omega-3 supplementation has also been shown to improve cognitive function in foals from birth.
Always ensure that a fresh, clean water supply is available at all times.
Keyflow's Nurture is a great option for broodmares as it supports the mare's postpartum recovery as well as foal development and behaviours.
Vaccinations: Ensure your broodmare is up to date with flu and tetanus vaccinations. A booster administered during the final three months of pregnancy helps transfer antibodies to the foal via colostrum.
Herpes Vaccination: Some mares may also require vaccination against equine herpesvirus (EHV) at three, six, and nine months of gestation.
Worming: Administer a safe dewormer 30 days before foaling to minimise parasite transmission. Always consult your vet to ensure the dewormer is safe for pregnant mares.
Indoor Foaling (Foaling Stable):
Provide a clean, dry, well-bedded stable (at least 14x14 feet).
Straw bedding is preferred, as it won’t stick to the newborn foal like shavings can.
Ensure the stable is free from any hazards that could cause harm to the mare or foal.
Make sure the water supply is clean and easily accessible.
Outdoor Foaling (Field Foaling):
Choose a quiet, dry, safe pasture with easy vehicle access for emergencies.
Ensure adequate lighting for night-time monitoring.
Plan how you will monitor the mare. Foaling cameras and alarms can be helpful, but physical checks are still necessary.
Prepare a foaling kit with the following essentials:
Clean towels
Disinfectant (e.g., chlorhexidine or iodine)
Lubricant & disposable gloves
Umbilical cord clamp
Light source
Tail bandage
Clean bucket
Tip: Save your vet’s phone number in your phone and keep it written down in the stable for quick access in case of an emergency.
Proper preparation, close monitoring, and a well-stocked foaling kit can significantly improve the chances of a smooth foaling experience. If you have any concerns, always contact your vet immediately—it’s better to have a false alarm than to wait too long in an emergency situation.
The Keyflow Range