By: Dr Rosie Alcorn BVSc PG Cert VPS Cert AVP MRCVS
As winter approaches and grass quality declines, it's an ideal time to explore two of Keyflow’s specialised stud feeds: Nurture and Nurture Pro.
Nurture and Nurture Pro are Keyflow’s dedicated stud feeds, designed to support the health and development of young stock and broodmares. However, their benefits go far beyond breeding horses.
Our stud feeds are high in protein, essential for the growth and development of bones and tissues in unborn foals and young stock. The EQ-Complete Protein Complex in both feeds provides high-quality protein, which aids in muscle development. Therefore, a high-protein feed like this is useful for horses lacking muscle or those needing additional support when in hard work. This is why we often recommend these feeds for sports horses—they’re like the perfect "protein shake" for competition horses!
With similar names, it’s no surprise that Nurture and Nurture Pro share several key features. But what are their similarities and differences?
Steam Extrusion Technology
This innovative process increases digestibility, allowing horses to absorb a higher percentage of nutrients from a smaller volume of feed.
EQ-Complete Protein Complex
Proteins consist of amino acid chains, which are the building blocks of life. There are nine essential amino acids that must be obtained through diet. EQ-Complete Protein provides a balanced amino acid profile, vital for your horse's overall health, wellbeing, and performance. Without sufficient amino acids, the horse’s body functions like a “leaky bucket”—never quite reaching its full potential.
Rich in Omega-3
Supports anti-inflammatory responses, joint health, respiratory function, and a strong immune system.
Complete Vitamin and Mineral Complexes
A range of vitamins and minerals is essential for horse health. While some can be naturally produced by the horse, others require supplementation. Our complete complexes ensure horses receive all necessary micronutrients for optimal health and performance.
Nurture Pro is a balancer, which means it provides essential vitamins, minerals, and protein without adding extra calories. It’s ideal for horses that need balanced nutrition without additional energy intake.
Nurture is a complete feed, offering a higher calorie content. It’s perfect for horses that require extra calories to maintain growth and condition, particularly during colder months or when forage quality is reduced.
When to Choose Nurture Pro
Nurture Pro is designed for horses that simply need a nutritional supplement to ensure adequate intake of essential nutrients that might be lacking, especially in summer when quality pasture provides sufficient energy.
When to Choose Nurture
Nurture is suitable when horses require additional calories to sustain growth and condition, such as during winter when grass quality declines or for horses on restricted hay or haylage diets.
General Rule of Thumb
If your broodmare or young stock are in peak condition, Nurture Pro should be ideal. However, if you have breeding stock that struggles to maintain weight, or if grass and haylage intake is limited, then Nurture is the best choice.
The Keyflow Range